Tuesday, September 8, 2009

This Month's WealthyWhizz - Trillian Astra 4.0

Remember when Instant Messaging was the choice form of communication? I can't help but recall my middle school years (ahem) when I couldn't wait to get home to talk to my friends on AIM (AOL Instant Messenger). Very effective way of communication, but using several different IM programs on my computer made it difficult to make good use of either one of them. Hell, 128 MB ram was norm back then, and running AIM,Yahoo, MSN, ICQ, and IRC at the same, was not cute!

Trillian is the most successful fix to that problem, closely followed by it's Mac OS X competitor Adium (<3 Adium). It's newest release not only combines AIM,Windows Live (msn),Yahoo,ICQ,Jabber and etc, it also includes Facebook, Twitter, and text messaging! That's sweet! All in an interface that knocks AIM out of the wind.

However, it comes with a small price tag. $10 and $25 (Depending on how much Cerulean, the developer, likes you). Download the free trial here and see how much you like.

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